This step insures you have something to roll-back to if something happens to your installation.
Feel free to zip-up and move the UserData backup made by the updater. This will insure future updates work as intended. DO NOT install zipmods into the root folder. Move any plugins you were using to the apropriate folder manually. DO NOT merge contents of your old Bepinex folder backed-up by the updater. Choose your Resolution, “Activate DHH” OR “Graphics Mod” (optional graphic improvements) and “Activate Console” for your first run. The update button may sometimes glitch on the first run – just close and restart InitSetting. Run “InitSetting.exe” and update base game (“Bleeding Edge”, “Extra Maps”, “Items for Studio” and “UserData” are all optional). Run “ HoneySelect 2 Registry Fixer.bat” in your game folder. Run the exe and confirm your game path was correctly auto-detected.
If you donwloaded the “Update only (R2 to R3)”:. Unzip to a root folder (keep your game path simple, don’t nest it inside a huge folder tree). If you downloaded the “All-In-One (R3 Base Game Repack)”:. Removed StudioGet (Doesn’t work anymore, DeathWeasel’s CharacterExport also does the same thing). Updated thojmr’s HS2_PregnancyPlus v3.16. Updated OrangeSpork’s AdvIKPlugin to v1.6.0. Updated Animal42069’s HS2_BetterPenetration StudioNEOV2 to v2.0.2. Updated Animal42069’s HS2_BetterPenetration MainGame to v4.0.2. Added Marco’s Card Image Replacer v1.0 (**). Cleared some cache to stop old translations bleeding in. Made HS2Graphics disabled by default again after it were being left enabled by default by mistake in R4 (Fixes lag experienced by some users). Applied font replacement for Chinese and Korean translation. Applied release variant of Portuguese TL v3.1. Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v5.2.0. Updated thojmr’s HS2_PregnancyPlus to v7.8. Updated Sauceke’s LoveMachine to v3.0.5.
Updated Prolo’s Character Morpher to v0.2.2 (*).Updated Mikke’s Straight 2 Maker to v1.1 (*).Updated Marco’s HS2_OverlayMods to v6.1.Updated HijackHornet’s HS2_UIScalerAndWidescreenSupport to v1.0.2 (*).Updated enimaroah’s SB3U to v22.3.4 (**).Updated DeathWeasel’s HS2_StudioWindowResize to v1.1.1.Updated DeathWeasel’s HS2_MaterialEditor to v3.1.19.
Updated countd360’s HS2StudioCharaEditor v2.0.1. Updated 2155X’s HS2_UnlockPlayerHClothes to v1.4.4. Updated 2155X’s HS2_HLightControl to v1.2.5. (*) = Optional mod (**) = Utility (***) = Pose Pack Updated Sauceke’s LoveMachine to v3.9.0 (*). Updated Prolo’s Character Morpher to v1.0 (*). Updated Marco’s HS2_OverlayMods to v6.1.2. Updated Marco’s KKManager to v0.22.0.1 (**). Updated Keelhauled’s KeelPlugins to Build 273. Updated enimaroah’s SB3U to v23.0.3 (**). Updated DeathWeasel’s HS2_UncensorSelector to v3.11.7. Updated DeathWeasel’s HS2_MaterialEditor to v3.1.22. Updated countd360’s HS2StudioCharaEditor v2.1.0. Updated BepInEx.ConfigurationManager to v18.0.